However, now I'm sort of coming round to the idea! Obviously as the next one isn't until 2021, its safe enough to be considering it from a distance. I've done a wee bit of googlying and, while it still seems ridiculously full on, something about it is strangely appealing. Here's a link to a movie about the 2017 LEL, with a short trailer for a taster. Up for it?
I'm still not totally sure I'd be able to make it though. On almost every long ride I've done since the Lewis audax, I've asked myself how on earth I ever managed to do 308 km in one day. But I did manage it once so I should therefore be able to do it again. So I've signed up for a couple of audaxes in Cork over the next few months. The first is the Midleton 200, on March 10th, which takes in parts of counties Cork, Waterford and Tipperary. The second is the Three Rivers 300, on 14th April, which again starts in Midleton, but heads west, even passing through Clonakilty, so the lure to just sneak off home after the first 100km will be quite strong!
It will be interesting to see what state I'm in after the 300km ride, as I literally could barely walk the day after the Lewis audax. Guess these events will give me an idea of whether LEL 2021 is still worth pursuing, or if it is back to being a big fat NO WAY....
In the meantime, my brother-in-law has signed up for the West Highland Audax, only 1,000km with very little in the way of support.
"something else" ... ? Proof please ...
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Sounds great. If you have cycling plan later, and you want to purchase new stuffs, this website is recommended: