Friday, 22 June 2018

Vendee, France, May & June 2018

We headed back to France again for the early summer holidays - this time to an inland chateau campsite, in the North Vendee region. As luck would have it, parts of the routes of the 1st and 2nd stages of this year's Tour de France were within easy striking distance of the campsite so I took in some of those when I got the chance. I took the SS again, as its grand for pootling with le famille, can handle a bit of track plus can easily take the knocks of being transported on the bike rack. No hills to worry about either, so multiple gears not needed.

2018 TdF poster

The Vendee region is brilliant for cycling! For one thing, it is mostly flat so there's no pesky hills to negotiate. Secondly, they have miles of really good and well-signposted bike tracks. Mostly these follow coastal routes, but there are some inland ones too. There's a whole host of info online about the different routes, such as this site here.

On the day I did a longer ride, I switched between these bike tracks where I came across them, and bits of the TdF Stage 1. To be honest, after the novelty of being chased by an imaginery peloton began to fade, the bike tracks were more fun and definately more interesting than plodding along busy roads! It felt easy to rack up the distance, with the scenery always changing and new things to see round every corner.

Just a month too early!
St Hilaire de Riez on Stage 1 of the 2018 TdF

There's a good variety of cyclists of all levels zooming about the Vendee, from caravanners on electric bikes right up to Froome lookalikes with full tri-bar set-ups. Overtaking one such time-trialler whilst on my single-speed was quite amusing, although I had to keep going to stay ahead of him, at least until the next roundabout!

Plenty wildlife along the way too, with black kites, exceedingly large longhorn beetles and this fine Fire Salamander all encountered by bike.

A fire salamander out for a walk
Here's the route I did from the campsite to the coast and then down to Les Sables D'Olonne, taking in part of Stage 1, and also a good deal of the bike tracks.